This weekend has been steady so far.
Yesterday we were doing a demonstration for a Girl Guide group over at Auchingillan. W tried to make the session as hands on as possible so lots of them got a chance to hold and fly the birds. All the birds flew well even though it was very hot.
It was straight back to the hotel to do a demonstration for the wedding with Jo was going to do for me but as I made it back on time I did it. It was on the back lawn which we have never really used for demonstrations. Dylan a barn owl was ok but not great and Corrie was ok as well. Mardy though wads great but he flies round there a lot so he was quite comfortable with it.
Yesterday was Corries last event for the next few months. I won't be working with him for the next couple of months so he can have a moult and a break which he needs as his feather are looking a bit worn. He will be given as much food as he wants and really allowed to chill out. Once we had finished the demonstration we put him back in his aviary and gave him a rat which he loves.
We have not bee flying the falcons this weekend due to the heat and to give them a few days off. They all got quail yesterday. They were all looking good with large crops (this is where they hold the food before it goes to there stomach). We should be able to start working with some tomorrow - maybe.
This week is a bit up and down with bookings. We are out on the road a few times. The main thing that we have to work on is to make sure the birds are ready for a large event we are doing at Chatelherault near Hamilton next Sunday. Before we do the event at Chatelherault we have to get through the rest of the week - there are 3 sessions at Cameron House, 1 half day session at the centre, 1 school visit, a static display for the Comet festival at Gourock, a full day session in the centre and a demonstration for a wedding. On the whole quite a busy week.
I had better get back to work as i have left Jo to do the cleaning.
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