The bad news first. On Thursday last week i was called out to collect a wild buzzard that had been hit by a car as it was found lying at the side of a road. It looked like it had been some sort of accident before this one. There was an old wound on the back of it's head where some of it's skull was exposed - about the size of a penny- which for a buzzard is a big area. I am surprised that it survived that but buzzards are tough.
I took it to the vet i use who had a look at it and he agreed to hold on to it and examine it further. It was unable to stand even though it did try. When i picked it up on the Thursday i noticed that it's left leg was a bit weak. There was no sign of a break so the vet thought that it may of damaged it's spine. If that is the case then it doesn't look good for it. Fingers crossed.
The good news is that Bob flew free for the first time on Saturday. Bob is a gyr x saker that i bought from someone a few months back. He has been a bit difficult to say the least. He has crashed about a lot and has only really started to settle in the last few weeks. The result is that he has damaged alot of his feathers and is not looking his best. I am also not sure of the last time he was flown. I suspect over a year ago. This is the problem when you buy a bird second hand - you are not completely sure as to what it has or hasn't done. The person i bought him from said he did not have time to fly him. The main thing is he is now flying free and he hasn't decided to fly off. All i need him to do now is to start attacking the lure and i will be happy. I got to fly him Saturday and Sunday which was good but it rained all day today (Monday) so nothing was flown.
On a plus side the wet weather meant that all the travel boxes, shelf perches, blocks and baths were cleaned. All i need to now is for the rain to stop to let everything dry out.
As soon as i know about the buzzard i will put something on the blog.
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