I mentioned in my last post that autumn was here well i feel it is well and truly here. There other night i noticed how short the day was and how early it was when getting dark. The thing is i always looked on August as a summer month. This year i am thinking autumn is here. Seasons come and go.
Things at the centre have been busy as usual. In the last week we have been out on the road doing demonstrations and flying sessions on 6 days. A lot of running about but great fun. Even though there has been a lot of bookings away from the centre the centre still has to be cleaned and birds that are not being used still have to be looked after. Cleaning and feeding still has to be done and birds still need to be flown. Jo has been a massive help and over the last few days i have had Thomas another vet student on EMS placement to help me. Thank you to both of you.
The event that sticks out over the last week was the demonstration for a wedding down near Ayr. Lovely location out in the Ayrshire countryside the birds all flew well and we got a lot of good feed back. It was on a farm and there is a possibility that i may be allowed back to fly the birds at rabbits as there seems to be a lot on certain parts of the farm. I had better get Amber going.
Talking of Amber. Her training is going well. I asked her to jump to the glove the other day in her aviary which she did. This was the first time in 6 months that she has come to me for food so she is getting closer to her flying weight which is great. Hopefully i will have her flying in a week or so. I always get excited when i get a bird flying again after it's moult. It's hard to explain. It is like meeting a close friend who you haven't seen in ages and you are catching up with each other
Today was a long day as i had to go and collect the food for the centre. I have to do this every 3-4 months. 30 boxes of chicks, 60 quail, 1kg mice, 3kg rat, 2kg of duck neck, 1kg of sausages and 12 pigeons. It is normally quite simple. Drive 1 hour, collect food, drive 1 hour back and load food into the freezer. 4 hours and it is all over. Simple. Not today. Drove 1hour and picked up food (so far so good). Started to drive back and the car broke down and i had to call the RAC. Thankfully they got is started again and i got up the road and the food hadn't de frosted. I was well impressed with the RAC. After they had got the car going again they followed me up the road for a bit to make sure things were ok. Just as they were about to leave the car lost power again. Once again they got it going and once again followed to make sure it was ok. Thankfully there was no more problems this time. Plugs and leads are being replaced tomorrow. What should of been 3 hours running about turned in to 7 hours of driving and brake downs. Thank you RAC for all your help.
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