Monday, 28 February 2011

The sun is shining

Last week has been quite busy. Tuesday was the only quiet day and that was only due to the fact that my car had to go in for a service so I was kind of grounded. It just meant that I planned to spend the day in the centre and do all those little jobs that need done and fly some of the birds in the hotel grounds. In the end the heavens opened I got soaked  and I couldn't fly anything or do any work out side so I went home not very productive.

Wednesday was better and busy. The day started off with a half day session in the centre and it was dry which was great after the previous 2 days. I try not to get to worked up about the weather as there is nothing I can do about it. I just find it frustrating when I plan to do something and then find I can't. Back to Wednesday. We had 2 ladies out who had a great time. Once they were finished it was then a case of load up the car and do a hawk walk over at Cameron House. Once that was done it was back to the centre to finish cleaning everything and feed the last of the birds.

On Thursday I had plans of going out hunting with Amber before my hunting season finished. While the game bird season is finished you can still hunt rabbit as they are classed as vermin. I normally finish up for the middle of March so still 2 weeks to go. As I have said before I have been  using Amber a lot in activity days at the centre and I have been flying her myself in the grounds of the hotel and she has been great so I was looking forward to getting out to fly her. That all changed when Cameron House phoned and asked if I could do a family fun session for a family group at 10.30am. Now a Family Fun Session last 1hour but it doesn't take 1 hour. For example It takes me 45 mins to load the car, 30 mins to drive to Cameron House, 30 mins to unload the car and set up at Cameron House, I like to be ready 15mins before the start time in case the guests turn up early, Family Fun Session 1 hour, 20 mins to load up, 30mins to drive back and 30 mins to unload. Event time 4hrs and 20 mins. As you can see it takes a bit of time. I am always happy to have a booking. If I wasn't I wouldn't take it but I don't want people thinking well the booking was only 1 hour he should have plenty of time to get everything done in the day. The group only consisted of 3 adults so everybody was able to get plenty of time with the birds. Sometimes with a large group the session can feel very rushed. By the time I got back to the centre it was time to finish the cleaning and feeding and get things ready for Friday.  

Friday was back over at Cameron House but I had a 9am start and it was a 2hr30min training session as part of a large corporate event. 9am start at Cameron House means I was up at 5am. That was bit of a shock to the system. The event went well. I then had just over an hour to fill in so I decided to try and do something with Artemis. I have been trying to keep Artemis's training going but it has been difficult with weather and work commitments to keep any consistency going. She was however quite good on Friday flying 30m on the creance to the glove. I finished up with her and got ready for my afternoon booking at Cameron House which started a bit late. It was then back to the centre to do the cleaning and feeding. It was a long day.It is starting to get a bit of a routine that the cleaning is done at the end of the day but at least it is done on a daily basis.
Saturday was thankfully spent in the centre so it was a bit more easy going even though we were fully booked. As it was nice day we were able to give some of the birds baths in the morning. This also allowed me a bit more time to work with Artemis and I had her flying 50m to the glove. Hopefully this week as it is dry I can make some real progress and think about flying her free as she gets more into a routine. It has been hard going with her with the weather being a real problem limiting the time and opportunities I can work with her.

Sunday was another long day as we back over at Cameron House for their Wedding Fair. We had a lot on interest in the birds and a couple of tentative enquiries which was great. We shall see if they come to anything. While we were there Jo flew Pele on her own for the first time and he was perfect. he would also fly to other people for her, something he won't do for Gail. It is good to know that Pele will work for Jo so it felt like quite a productive day.

Today it was once again back over to Cameron House this time to fly a bird for a promotional film on Cameron House. I used Pele as he had flown well the day before and once again he was no problem even though it started 15mins late and he spent that time sitting in a tree he didn't mess about or wander off. I think he was just happy to be sitting in the sun after a frosty night.

The coming week is looking busy with once again a good variety of bookings. With a full day session on Wednesday and half day sessions on Tuesday and Thursday, a school visit on Friday, at Cameron House late on Wednesday afternoon and on Sunday so quite busy on the whole and that is before we look at Saturday. On Saturday we have a student vet training day where we will have 2 groups of 20 students in to learn about birds of prey. It should be a fun day and I am looking forward to it. It is the first time we have done anything like this. We decided to do it because alot of the vet students that come out on placements tell us that they get no real experience or information on birds of prey during their studies.

I should also point out that I have made a decision on what falcon to get as I couldn't seem to find anyone breeding Lugger Falcons. I phoned someone up to ask about Saker Falcons only to be told that he doesn't breed them any more so I asked what else he bred and he said that he bred Prairie Falcons. I have never worked with 1 before but I have always liked the sound of them and from what I have read they are smart, quick, hard hitting when they strike the lure or quarry and bad tempered. I can't wait. I am also getting another Barn owl to replace Dylan as he is going blind and there is nothing the vets can do for him.  

Artemis in action

Sanda and Bob having a bath

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